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Experience attractions across the beautiful island of Jamaica.

Chukka Adventures

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It’s Time To Play at Chukka Caribbean Adventures, the Caribbean’s largest nature-adventure tour operator. Guided by a spirit of exploration and adventure, Chukka is…

Mystic Mountain


Starting from the base of the mountain, you’ll get swept off your feet in every sense of the word as you glide up Mystic Mountain on the SkyExplorer Chairlift all the way to 700 ft. above sea level.

Island Routes

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Whether you want to go exploring with your nearest and dearest or go it alone, we have the right experiences for you whatever your mood.

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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem ...

In hac habitasse platea

Ut euismod ultricies sollicitudin. Curabitur sed dapibus nulla. Nulla eget iaculis lectus. Mauris ac maximus neque. Nam in mauris quis libero sodales eleifend. Morbi varius, nulla sit amet rutrum elementum, est elit finibus tellus, ut ...

Integer sagittis

Ut euismod ultricies sollicitudin. Curabitur sed dapibus nulla. Nulla eget iaculis lectus. Mauris ac maximus neque. Nam in mauris quis libero sodales eleifend. Morbi varius, nulla sit amet rutrum elementum, est elit finibus tellus, ut ...

Tameca Dempster-Mattocks is an accomplished Associate Counseling Psychologist and Financial Counsellor, holding an M.Sc. Degree in Counselling and Social Work from Mico University College, along with multiple certifications in mental health from the University of Washington.


Currently, she holds the positions of Regional Psychologist – NERHA and Mental Health Program Coordinator at the Caribbean Training & Education Center for Health (C-TECH). Tameca has successfully managed regional mental health projects, overseeing and leading impactful initiatives that positively influence the mental well-being of individuals in the region. 


With a passion for community service, Tameca actively contributes to various private and charitable organizations, dedicating her time as a volunteer to support community members and at-risk youth.

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